Author Archive

The Dreaded Telephone Interview – try these three things

So all that networking has finally paid off, and you’ve landed the interview! But, what, it’s a telephone interview? Sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it, but don’t underestimate the effort required to prepare – more effort actually, and more attention to…

When the Will Trumps the Skill

Well, London has received its first snowfall, and the chill of the north wind is in the air. After a fantastic autumn, it is time to retire my bike to its trainer in the basement, and convert from cycling to…

Your Brand, Your Story – Is your Personal Brand enabling your career? (Part 2 of 2)

Don’t be surprised if you are in a asked in a networking or interview meeting “so what’s your brand”? Corporations work very hard to differentiate their brands because in a competitive marketplace, it is incredibly important to stand out in…

Your Brand, Your Story – Is your Personal Brand enabling your career? (Part 1 of 2)

Getting in front of the right person at the right time with the right message is a critical success factor in moving your career forward. You’ve heard the old saying “timing is everything” and it’s true – but – being…

From Conference Call to Curtain Call – Transforming your Day Look to Night

It’s summer, and wouldn’t we all rather be sipping cocktails on a patio in the sun, than be hunched over computers in our cubies under florescent lighting? Well, when 5 o’clock hits you know exactly where you’re heading! But if…

To Thine Own Self Be True: How Authentic Are You?

Act 1, Scene 3, Hamlet, Polonius speaks to his son. These words resonated as I watched an outstanding production of Hamlet at the Stratford Festival last year. They reminded me that in today’s social media environment, it is too easy…

The Art of Conversation – 3 Pitfalls to Avoid

Have you ever been part of a conversation that has left you feeling empty, unimportant or unworthy. You leave the interaction wondering if the other person was genuinely interested in what you had to say and you feel like it…

Seasonal Summer Chic – 5 Great Trend-Setting Looks

This summer we have so many amazing fashion breakthroughs to look forward to. Between cuts, colours and shapes, there are many different looks we’re just itching to try. Here are some great trend pieces that you can make office chic,…

Haute Couture meets Personal Brand

One of the things that I am hoping to accomplish in my blog posts is to highlight people who inspire me – particularly women who are breaking the mould, ahead of their time, or just simply doing extraordinary things. In…

Flying Solo in the Big Apple

Ever wondered what it might be like to spend a weekend in New York City as a single female traveler? Well I recently had that experience when, unable to find a traveler-friend, I set off for a mini-vacation in NYC….